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About Us


At Lonsdale School, we are fully committed to the safety and wellbeing of every pupil in our care. We believe that all children have the right to be protected from harm and to feel safe and supported within a nurturing environment. Our staff, governors and volunteers are dedicated to promoting a culture of safeguarding and to prioritising the welfare of every pupil.

Our safeguarding policies are developed in accordance with local and national guidance and legislation and are reviewed regularly to reflect updates to ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’. We continuously review and improve our policies to ensure they reflect best practices in child protection and safeguarding.

Our safeguarding approach includes:

  • Rigorous safer recruitment practices for all staff and volunteers.
  • A clear reporting process for any safeguarding concerns, with designated staff trained in handling sensitive issues.
  • Comprehensive training for all staff to identify, respond to, and manage any concerns regarding pupil safety.
  • A proactive approach to promoting mental and emotional wellbeing amongst our pupils.
  • Regular and transparent reporting on safeguarding and pupil welfare to our dedicated governor board (Safeguarding and Pupil Welfare board).
  • Regular safeguarding updates to staff throughout the year, as required.
  • Safeguarding within the curriculum to promote awareness about safety – largely through PSHE and IT but also through our pastoral systems.
  • A whole-school commitment to pupil voice to increase autonomy and develop the ability for pupils to speak up on matters they are not happy with.
  • Comprehensive staff inductions.

If you have any questions or concerns about safeguarding at our school, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Miss Sarah Small 


Report concerns about a child or request support:

If you're a child or young person being abused – or a worried parent or adult – you can call Children's Services at any time on 0300 123 4043.

Call 999 if someone is in immediate danger or a crime is being committed.

How to find us

Get in touch

  • Brittain Way, Stevenage
    Hertfordshire, SG2 8UT

  • 01438 726999